Monday, February 16, 2009

Été par la Baie: prémière

And I heard them say
big girls don't cry
especially in paradise
could be the reason why
deep down in the ocean's belly
I needed a new pair of eyes

To see things a little clearer
most of what I couldn't with my
foggy disguise

Though somedays it felt like a dream to be here
I found it hard to decide:
Bee here or Bee there
Which to bee happy with?
Bee fair.

As I console myself, the person I am....

1 comment:

  1. Big girls don't cry especially in paradise!

    Surrounded by beauty, by wonders of nature, an escape of reality.. yet, I understand how a paradise can stir the emotions of longing for home. I feel that way when I go to Polonia. I love it there but after a while I want to be connected to my life back at home, I miss it. You can surround a person by beauty and all rich things- but happiness can only be found inside. Follow your heart.
