Monday, February 16, 2009

Salvador Dalí's Paintings

J'adore l'arte. 'Love' paintings...I even try a few strokes on papier avec la brush. Early this morning, I happened on some beautiful, wierd, twisted & strange, delightful, bizarre, odd-looking, brilliantly deranged, ridiculously AWESOME online paintings of Salvador Dali's art. I had to see more, I just had to.
To the right of this posting, or maybe another, there are some photo's of his paintings.
They are amazing work.....only a man with a passion for what he enjoys can create!

Bravo! d'arte
Bravo! Salvador!!

Yes, yes, I love French but I didn't study in h.s. I will in time, become fluent en la langue...y espaniol, too.

Ocean Spray

"I know baby, but grandma and lack of trust didn't want
me to be with you so early in the morning. But I'm here now.
Tell me you missed me. Tell me.
Call me closely. Tempt me.
Hug me on the shores. Roll with me!

let's get lost in each other. Touch my body, tickle me.
You want me!!
Just as bad as I want you.

I went to bed listening to you calling my name
singing songs you and I have composed when you held me
and I dreamt deep, smooth, valiantly
woke up with your soothing call.
I can only walk pass you, stand above you and smile.

I belong to you.
Touch me in places yet to be discovered
let me dive within your depths, uncover your hidden beauty.
I haven't felt love like this before.

It's been said that,
if you truly love it, let it go
if it's meant to be, it will come back to you.
When I returned, you made me feel so low, but
I'm glad we've covered the rocky road.

Let's not war now
let's make love while we discover,
while I discover you.

"Jealous of us they are, asking many questions
that's none of their business, I think
whether with you I spend countless hours,
whether I'd die inside of you
or whether you've taken a strong hold on me.

I've longed to write you a love letter dear Ocean,
it's gonna be a while till we meet again.
Don't you love another the way you love me,
not to love another either, too soon.


~Island Princess~

Été par la Baïe: Duxiemme

"Ratman boieeee!!"
Never a dull moment with you around,
it may be you whom I speak about
when I speak of mischief, when I speak of having fun.

It just may be the sounds of the early morning engine roars
or the slamming of the waves on the Bay shores.
The delicate shimmering of the sun's shine,
the songs of the intoxicated uncle of mine.

Or the sound of Mind. Body. And Soul
pulling out for his first shift stroll.
Dogs barking as workers head up the street
perfumed to impress, dressed elegantly, from head to feet

My sweet Thad joining me as I reminisce,
Buju on that ryhthmical, poetic, revelling bliss,
Roadside, Superdog, and my coward friend,Way-zhim, miss
you I do. Standing at the edge of a monument such like this

living a moment such as this, what can be better than now?
The sounds of shells echoing throughout the vicinity.
Angry shouts of vendors, helpers, and passers-by.
Screams of the men hungry for power,
drought of patience flowing from their heads to their bodies
puffed up, boastful, and mad!

Oh! I lived for it. Through it. With it.
I live it! Somewhat, still proud of what I left, I met.

Loverboy Casnel, sweet as lust,
carried Kayak passion, never missing a beat.
Muggie, friend till the end. Your birthday, shant be the same.
Hotel California. Restroom California. Never shall I check in
Unless for death, still then, I shant reach that counter.

The quiet ease of mid-day. Resting upon bambooed stools
cheap talking, booze consuming our thoughts
then the onset of invaluable agrument...ah!
Whosoever claims right sits on the wrong,
and he whosoever claimed wrong sat wrong.
We all just want our opinions to count, our views overstand.

So I'm drifting from the bullshit to the next starship.


The sound of the Darvie boys rolling in like Hell's Angels
1-2-3-where's Ferron?
4-5-6-is it already pass afternoon?
The fatigue on his face says it all,
the boat stunts under the Jetty to the edge of Sauteurs cusps,
sliding and gliding, running from the setting sun.
Go Ferron, go!

Block tripping, hanging like leeches with not a better to do.
8-balls and Q-balls collide. Sea gulls decorating boats hauled in,
buses coming in, buses going out.
Marli's view, looking out to the islands in nowhere land,
tired from the trekking, sweating from the heat of happiness
Upon high rocks I stand
par la Baïe,
Sauteurs is the absolute bestest!!


~Bay Princess~

Sommeil avec la poet: fini

A thousand times if I could, I would
kiss the lips of he who sleeps beside me
breathing kindly and softly
Speaking to me in only words I deemed unimaginable
I want to stay beside you and dream with my eyes wide open
Rest my hands upon your chest and grow in sync
with your heaves and falls.

To outline the portrait of beauty that you possess
if only just once you would see what I see
To be drawn into you with just words
you have to be truly
someone special.

To go through the day, as tough as it may get
and see you in every small bit of goodness
makes for a day that leaves me smiling
A day that's worth being here,
alive in your presence,
madly in love.


Sommeil avec la poet

While others sleep with the enemy
I lay in comfort next to the epitome
of life and art. Of words that never die
but sounds that illuminate throughout the night
Of dreams that are brought to life
by words bouncing off the walls to horizontal lines with no extremities
I lay awake to see what peace have taken over
What difference the face of the artist portrays
when calm takes over. As new life
gathers inside the quiet soul,
the old expel as mere words could.
And each breath represents a stanza of love
In my mind I write a poem for the poet
Unlike the poet, I'm unfortunate to carry a pad with me
whenever with thoust...

One day, like the words the poet creates
when late at night restlessness take over,
it is I who would become the poet
and the poet, my poem.


You remind me of yesterday;
candid and short,
misery of all sort.

Tamed into satisfaction-
illustrated to fit a somber design
of a day badly drawn

Chaos and victory
wrapped in each others arm
as though conflict would not arise

The moon lit up while the sun dimmed
what most would call an eclipse
birds differed being the truth

they flew gallantly over the skies
ruling what trespassed, never setting for rest.
With fervent in their eyes, they looked around

without missing movements, steps, ryhthms,
one would think they've been trained.
Buildings looking to the heavens

turned their faces towards the earth.
Mosaics of cadavers defined the scope of beauty in life
after l'automne passes away

the distance shalll remain still for until spring.
rain shall wash stained colors clean
the sting of the sun shall dry each dying root
leaves de l'automne shall gather silently at my foot.


Été par la Baie: prémière

And I heard them say
big girls don't cry
especially in paradise
could be the reason why
deep down in the ocean's belly
I needed a new pair of eyes

To see things a little clearer
most of what I couldn't with my
foggy disguise

Though somedays it felt like a dream to be here
I found it hard to decide:
Bee here or Bee there
Which to bee happy with?
Bee fair.

As I console myself, the person I am....


Nothing has ever felt as strange as this
I don't know who I am
what I am
what I want.

I feel so strange
Waken each morning to rattling noises
with thoughts that pains me
weaken my motivation,
never allowing me to break free

"Add a little tenderness, make me sane, I'm asking, no!
I'm begging."

Haven't I always been good,
Haven't I tried to be good?
I don't know how much longer I can take this pain

Having you to guide me,
you in my life, I feel
but I am hurting.
So help me.

Help me to change and do for you
as you need.
My joy has been taken away
that IS my life,I'm I ever so grateful that you've stuck by me
Thank you Jehovah,
Thank you!!


Rain. Rain.
Go away! Little children wanna play!

Rain. Rain.
Go away.
Come again some
other day.

I don't deny you on happy days
Don't despise you on dampy days
But I want to play,

I want to show off my brand new--
Easter has passed and now it's June
Showers drown out the moon,
darken the sky
keeps me locked up inside.

let me count the stars
outline the Big Dipper,
toting not too far,
Little Dipper, too?

Let Mr. Sun smile again,
I miss his beam of happiness
his warm, friendly embrace.
His light feathery touch,
his presence I miss so much.

I don't hate you, but I am tired of feeling this pain
for this one day today,
don't Mister Rain

Please don't come again!


Saturday, February 14, 2009


There are no hidden secrets tonight

I just want you.

As you do every time,

do to me what you may.

Surprise me. Take me away.

Friday nights at eight, and Saturdays, late

I belong to no one else but you,

because you take the fear away from me

kiss the loneliness goodbye,

raise my blood pressure, shed the sorrow, the hurt


and you know just where to touch me without touching.

I know you must be skilled to leave me breathless

yet breathing with your orgasmic pitches.

You paint the pictures in my world,

create silhouettes of passion rhythmically,through my veins.

Give me goosebumps hearing my name in your chords.

I confess now and I shall not hold any longer

this empty life I possess is bleak without you.

Only tonight I've realized

I need you more than I remembered in those fine years.

You always came through for me.

Those fondest midnight memories

you captured from me, blissfully,

head-to-toe, spoiling me.

You're legato enticing con anima.

Let me smile as you hold my body hostage


Mister guitar man.


La la La la La!

Had dreams of a dread-man when I was only ten
At sixteen, all my dreams were of 'gangsters'
how cool they were to me just by their style
their swagger, their steps, their carress;
sent a teenage girl holding on to last breath.

Can't seem to resist their what-it-do-shawty speech
nor their get-that-money niche
nevermind the times, my mind keep saying
all things feeling this good can come to an end.
And perhaps it has. Then perhaps it was,
though it never began, just like a...teenage buzz

I felt it. Like southern winds filled with stones
and it's only I they blow with
So I brushed lust off, turned my face to that sweet southern breeze.

Southern fried. Southern high. Southern love I don't want you to die.
Not tonight. Not this time. Not this way, my heart will bleed too long.
It's too cold for the distance, wasted it freezes on a ground re-peatedly built, for instance
careless whispers.
