Thursday, October 30, 2008


Love my birth country!!
Coming to think of it I never once did dislike it. Ah! Breath of fresh air, literally. I grew up in the times where culture was celebrated with ultimate awesomeness!! Love it!! My gosh!!
The language dialect, the people, the scenery, the music, the routine of the inhabitants- you'd think they were slackers!! haha. Just kidding.
So I am now here jamming to some amazing Grenadian/island songs, oh I miss it already. I've already told my mom I want to agrees and has the same plan in mind. How does that saying go: the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree?? HAHA...I fell at a certain distance but I'm kinda close.

I'll tell a little about Grenada's history one day...not tonight's almost tomorrow. *winks*
Just wanted to share my joy!!

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