Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Follow Up

So now I am back home, I have been back home for about two (2) full months now and I am in search of my career. And no!! It's not fun! But I am being kind and patient, no need to just change up and switch up.

The vacation, though I dislike calling it that, was relaxing and much needed. Peace of mind, piece of freedom, a piece of a life I once knew. I grew into it well, but adapted to it innately.I truly felt like I belong. I did things that I wanted to do, when I wanted to do them, and however I chose to. I guess that falls under the freedom category with a taste of maturity, and yes!! I do feel a bit mature.

Grenada is beautiful!! From the island, to the culture, to the people; it blends in wonderfully. Upon entering the Grenadian customs counter, I was nervous. It's my first time!! The customs clerk was so kind, sweet, engaging, and welcoming. I felt proud. From there it's out to collect my bags and walk into the world of Grenadians. The feeling of walking out into sunshine at seven (7) am in the morning after a long, cold trip and a humidly warm and uncomfortable stop-over, is rewarding. I sat and took in my surrounding. Sea water to at the back of me, sunshine on my face, and friendly passers-by...including the one hundred dollar ($100) taxi-men. -sigh-
From the destination, I am on my way to meet with my grandmother. A reason for my trip. My morning could not have been more perfect and better than that, none for that matter because that is a scenario of its own.
That morning, my grandmother, my cousin, and I took up a mini tour of St. George's (humorously named by us, St. Town). We visited the markets, passed by the bus terminal, the mall, and other notable places, I guess. I was tired! Believe you me, I was spent!!

We then embarked on a long, long, looooong drive to the north of the island, my home. After reaching home, I blanked out, I don't even remember what the other days went like. I met with other family members of course, but I couldn't get into a detailed description of what was done, when, or how. The first week was amazing. I was invited at the last minute by a guy named 'Dragon' I grew up with who seemed to have developed a little crush on me, but nothing serious because he had a crush on the next lady he invited, Ally. Along with some other tourists, we started our boat trip to Sandy Island.I sat in the boat with another friend, 'Zowie' I grew up with but he's much older than I am. I could not help but enjoy the ride, it was bumpy, it was splashing wet, but it was lovely! Upon arrival to Sandy Island, the water grew calm...yeah yeah yeah, calm before the storm..not so. It was calm!! Zowie went diving and caught some fish. He barbecued them right there. It was delicious. Then, it was time to get into the water. No comments...just...simply breathtaking!! I began learning how to dive and swim. That week came to an exciting end.
The following week it will be my uncle who would take me to another island in Grenada, Isle-de-Rhonde. From Isle-de-Rhonde, he took me to Harphoon Bay where we sat patiently and awaited signs from the other fishermen that we've hit jackpot or a sighted a school of robin or jacks. Those are names of fishes..or types. Unfortunately, we never did get any. On our way back I witnessed one of many of nature's beautiful showcasing, the sun setting beyond the ocean. Marvelous!
The rest of the week and following weeks were spent with the attention and care of my grandmother, visiting family and friends, and chilling with Zowie and the fishermen around the area. They are second nature to me because as a kid that is who I was en route to becoming.
Months passed and I continued with the same routine. I also took up a part time volunteering position at the Hillarion Home. If I relocate, which I am planning too, I will sign up to volunteer there. I hung out with my aunt and her kids, hung around the kids who loved climbing trees, and searching for mangoes when it rains. I went fishing and diving with Zowie, too. I also went to visit my father and my kid sister. My grandfather, my cousin and her family, and the places I grew up. I could not help but wonder who and what I would have become if I grew up in my birthplace.

My second reason for going to Grenada is to attend my cousin's wedding. At the end of it, it was an enchantingly magical experience. My grandmother gave such a wonderful speech after a shot of rum..haha!! But what she said was profound and wise. We danced to all kinds of fun fun.
The majority of my days in Grenada were spent in the sea water, on the beach.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I envy you! the pictures are more than beautiful!! I need to go there one day! Your days were spent on the beach.. how awesome! it's so different than here in T.O! i can see myself doing that- discovering new things, having fun on the beach, riding a boat like it were a car! (yet working hard at the same time). What a perfect place to discover yourself and discover what your future holds for you. Sounds like you had a pleasant time! (especially the freedom and maturity part)Also, the sunset on the ocean must be breathtaking. I can only dream of such a place. I often think to myself too what life would have been like if I stayed in my homeland- its a mystery- would you still be the same person, would you still find the same 'soulmate'? hmmmm lol
