Thursday, October 25, 2007

Your's Truly

My Sweetest, Rose
Everyone has their place and time, everyone will eventually wither and die, everyone will wanna ask why. Weren't you the same one who said, "there's a reason for life?" Well I found mine when I was in your eye. An apple. I found mine when I was on your mind. I lived comfortably through you, I didn't see with my eyes, the things you see with them eyes, so beautiful, that night I've never seen the moon. So round, so bright yet so blue. It lost its essence when I gazed back at you. There was nothing standing there, not even the earth moved, but I just stood there like a fool too. Some part of me wanted to die too, some part of me thought, try to-. I swear I've never loved anyone but you, didn't never looked at anyone the way I do to you, cause you were more than just a little flower. You blossomed and copped an attitude.

Cutting the bullshit out, I saw through you. I saw the truth! You thought that the only way you could hide from me, was taking some shoes, and some of my tops to fit. I don't know, how you can cut me so looked me in the eye and told me shit. You said you care about me, and then I watched you sleep, the way your hair will meet your lips, and then you'd quiver just a little bit, when you I kissed upon your lips.
I know I could write about a miilion lines, you'd read with a smirk little grin. You don't seem to care about me and, oh! how I used to sing you little lullaby's that went a lil sumn like:
"hush lil baby
don't you cry
Marcus gonna buy you a bird that fly
and if that bird don't take you high
Marcus gonna get you a golden eye
and if that golden eye don't shine
Marcus gonna get you heart that's kind
not Marcus' cause it's yours all right
but one that won't let you down in time.
I love you, sleep tight butterfly"

You don't miss it do ya? I could come over and...oh, here comes the trains features. I could see it, I'll meet you, cause you said, if we don't meet now, we'll meet beyond, in the future. You were so

Thursday, August 9th, 19--

To whom this may concern

This letter was found on the ramp where, the trains go by and
I'm sorry to inform that
the man who died
left this behind

My deepest sympathy, to you
Miss Elizabeth
(found your name and a picture, in his wallet
marked Rose,
I did this for you
hope you never forget.)

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