Thursday, October 6, 2011

Love Letter I


i've got precious and few words for you
for this won't be your first nor your ultimate
but this is without a doubt, true.

These words go beyond what the bare eye may see
and i love to talk about you and me
however, i can never get them to see
how much in this world you mean to me

Composed to the beat, melody, vocals of LL's and 112's Hey Lover,
i must confess, this isn't just some crush
because i yearn for you even when i'm with you
and i want to feel you in any touch
through words,tones, and verses

you're so versatile that even the cars racing by
got you touching me. Maybe i want to run away from these reality
but i'd be running from what you created for me.
it's definitely something about the way you smile
or when your distance is just less than a mile
as i said, not your ultimate but allow me to make love to your mind...


Shore Petty

There was nothing promised
yet everything promised
it often spew its mist
in a direction it wouldn't miss
my lips it's kissed
on many an occassion, it's missed

thou, how be it possible to be here
to leave, remove, live here?
like rewind on the mind
how heavy the weight on the heart
as rain piercing through porous surfaces
tear drops rolls down sad faces

shall thou be held accountable
it is not a fault
how precious are the dreams
moments will never come to pass


Who is he
you ask
as if you must

do you not see
the way i lose myself
as i stare deep into
this glossy film
of pixilated confusion
creatively merged
to define

to whom love has lost
and now the soul
so attached

but such sweet notes
though bitter each bar
builds a melody, sings a tune
that only
will hear

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Cut

Dirty waters, it's your name
flowing through the ears
of the other,
on the phone
about disinterest in the name and

i'm sorry bout the way i treated you
no one comes close
i yearn for your body
i sure do
and hearing that another's holding it down's
got me sick and shit

and i been missing you
you really had to find someone new?
but forget alla that
cause this bout me and you

I wanna hold you till the sun rise
look into your eyes
make love to you like it's the first time
meeting you, caressing you
needing you; do or die time

Baby, you ain't know love till it gets you
i hear you swearing bout you love him
but does he love you like i do?

Monday, May 30, 2011


He is slamming
and I'm more awesome
what's more alarming?
his hard heart or his
instant, raw ness

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Type Two-Four

even with all of this
slamming bass
deep within walls
damped with lyrical flow
there goes trees
cars, buses, trains

long winding roads
with many a miles to go
next exits, rest stops
"we don't call it 'washrooms'
we call it 'restrooms'"
"oh, oh, aight"

cool, damp evenings
the beat decreases
long black lashes
thuds increases
they call it
strumming hard
on my 'guitar' strings

and with no strings attach
he attaches me
like the tag glued to my pack
and i want his lips to touch mine
yet he squeezes me
and i melt within his arms

the feeling he's creating
he senses
loses me, finds me
then loosens me
said i've had enough
"you're falling too fast
get some experience
come back to me
i'll fix you"

but i'm not broken
shaken maybe,
i don't remember the climax,
the story
who was the pro
the smart one
too uninspired to write
to complete a complete sentence

Friday, April 8, 2011

[You *are the* One]

inspired by Lucky Dube's The One

i sit here listening to the voice
of a man torn
his daughter removed from him
"daddy, is this
who are now?"

tears welled
then rimmed my eyes
sorrow overcomes me
"i've removed myself from you"

does this mean
i no longer love you
i've grown away from you
that didn't occur as a
simple error

don't worry daddy
i'll get to know you
i'll get back to you
don't worry
i'll never be
too far away from me

Thursday, March 10, 2011

<<< - et aussi - >>>>

For the first time-
as if not known-
from the look
the smiles
feath'ry foot steps,
singing and sighing-
at nothing
for nothing
in sight-
my mother knew of you.

I smiled and told her
there is a man that i've fallen
deeply for
there is a man i love
who makes me smile
with mere thoughts of him

I did not let her know
the feelings i have for him
are the only feelings being shared
for he loves me not no more
as he have before

i am not broken
just hurt, confused
and still wanting him

love songs reminds me of him
the first breath in the morning

poetry sings his name
the heave of my breast
moments in rest

art tries to depict him

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ode to Mister Louis

hills, mountains, rivers, and seas
your biceps, triceps, pecs, and knees
reminds me comfortably of these;
sculptures aren't perfected this free
not this way, cause you're perfectly fine to me

i follow you everywhere
i'll be your friend,
the best yet.
when you're not here
a letter i'll send
keeping you my own secret

the heart wants what the heart wants
triple in beats when you're around
and when we speak, there ain't a sweeter sound
it's like your voice is a song, your lyrics are chants

how thee comfort mine thoughts
thou walk with me, thou listens
when i fret, when i'm bothered
thou art worries about me
when i do not

in rain we wash our loc's
dive within deep seas
warm nights we left undiscovered
calm and selfless is she
as she lay quiet, she enjoys what she's got

mister just right, mister just fine
mister simple, mister cool
and to her he's intelligent,
for the man can do no wrong

mister "i'm the man for you
but i'd rather let you explore the world
get what you want, find happiness outside of me
and when you're ready, return to me"

mister fix it, mister perfect it,
mister everything i want and need
regarding happiness, excluding material needs

mister "i will go with you
if it pleases you. i will walk with you
if it soothes you. i will stand by you
if it's support you need,
but i will always be with you
in thoughts, in words"

Heartbreak Part deux

There are stages to this
no one will ever know until
they are at stage one
the hardest hurdle to get over
to get under, to get by

And there are consequences
if not careful.
a road less traveled will be discovered
and while in discovery, can become tethered


some days i feel so uninspired
on others i feel alive
then there are times when you
say 'hi' i get high
on your melody
on your rhyme

and i think about us
the way we were
though i wish so much to forget you
i am so foolish;

how can one forget a memory of you
if only one?

so i've started falling in love
them all with my emotions

why, i've given them to you
without a response,
that i feel uninspired
and now it's free
but it matters

i need you just like
i need the sun's warmth
i want you just
as i want to feel
my body wrapped in the ocean's depth

how many more stages to go
i can't move on
i can't forget
i can't get by

cause i keep telling them
you will always be best

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Almost Poetry

I tried searching for the perfect poem
to leave you with words
kind enough to blossom within your thoughts
that would make you smile
keeping me in mind
but i am without or
the one's I've looked over
told nothing of you
i suppose that it only exist in you
and i must discover you once more,
forever darling
to truly find the complete words
of you.

I hope with time
i can compose you now
and in the near future
I'd develop collected volumes
and before our time cease to exist
on how to rebuild you
in another life
i can find you
and continue to compose you
just the way you are.

Return (Forever Yours) By Duane Stephenson (Relationships Riddim_

I'm sitting and I'm wondering
when will you return to my life
making me whole again
'cause I'm half the man I used to be
when you loved me.

And many a times
many had come and faltered 'long the way
many of people
would love to have what we had

But since you've been gone
things are not the same in my life {or lights}
'cause i can't face the day
don't turn away
it only seems like yesterday
when you tore my heart to pieces

Return to me
'cause baby you belong to me
and I will be forever

Take a chance and love again
though it seems our fairy tale
is headed to an end
we can save the day

Give us a chance
to right the wrong
and we'll be strong again
we can face the stars
whatever this restless world
will bring

But since you've been gone
things are not the same in my life
'cause I can't face the day
don't turn away
it only seem like yesterday
when you tore my heart to pieces

Return to me
'cause baby you belong to me
and I will be forever

Friday, January 14, 2011


i let myself go
and learn how to discover

i let myself go
with awkward desires

i let myself go
to the far end of no return

i let myself go
too soon, this is a lesson i will learn

i have let myself go
freely to you so i can live

i let myself go
please, torture me not no more

i have let myself go
it's time that you let go, too.